
Blueberry Smoothie:
1 C fresh blueberries
1 whole banana
1 cup Vanilla Almond milk
1 tsp vanilla
4 ice cubes
Then just blend it all together in a blender and it will make about 3 smoothies. Enjoy! 

Rainbow Cake:

This recipe is actually nothing fancy but it was pretty. I made it from a box and followed the directions but I do substitute the oil for apple sauce in equal parts. I like doing this in cakes and cupcake mixes because I think it makes the cake soft and fluffier feel and it is so much healthier for you. 
So after you mix everything together in a bowl then you just separate some of the batter in smaller bowls depending on how many colors you want in your cake. Then just get some food coloring-here I used the Wilton dye- and put a few drops in each of the bowls of batter. 

I used a bundt cake pan for this one and on the bottom (which will be the top of the cake) place half of the regular plain batter and then just plop the colored cake around on top of that and then finally put the rest of the plain batter on. Just bake the cake on the temperature recommend on the box. Frost the cake or put a glaze on the top with some fruit and then enjoy the faces of your guests when they cut into the cake and see how pretty the inside is. Yumm-O!

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